Depression! (jazz hands) Featuring a cameo from Anxiety. (click through to read)
Many people have a misconception of depression as being just a general feeling of sadness. Sadness is definitely part of the package, but it's not just feeling sad, it's a feeling of despair, of hopelessness. Depression asks, "what's the point of doing anything?" and saps your will to live.
Anxiety and depression are often linked, since anxiety disorders tend to make you frightened of doing anything, and depression basically feeds on your total lack of movement.
Serious note: I am not a mental health professional. If you think or know that you or a loved one is suffering from depression (or anxiety), please know that help is available! We need you here with us.
National Suicide Prevention Hotline (US): 1-800-273-8255
Psychology Today Therapist Search (US):